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Hacking Sandbox

A project only recently started, this was more a challenge to create a game-mechanic rather than a full game. The general idea was to have a more 'realistic' and diverse hacking experience in a game, rather than a simple minigame. 

The concept is that all machines would be made up of components. The machine would function by the components working together to produce the desired effect. For example, an automated sentry turret would have a gun, a motor, and a sensor of some kind. The internal logic would tell the motor to oscillate until the sensor detects something, at which point, the motor would be told to rotate to face the target, whilst the gun was told to shoot. This would be how a similar turret would usually be programmed, however in this project, the internal logic would be exposed to the player, allowing them to amend, switch, replace, and generally edit the way the machine works using a visual scripting interface. In this interface, a Chip would represent each component in the machine and would give the player access to the component's functions, variables, and constants.

For clarification, a component's functions are the actions it can perform, its variables are elements of data that can be changed to affect how it functions, and its constants are elements that cannot be changed. For example, a Motor would have the functions Stop() and Rotate(), the variables "Direction" and "Speed", and the constant "Max RPM". The direction that the motor rotates could be changed inside the visual scripting interface using a Module, or by taking the data from another source such as another motor. The speed of the motor could be changed but not exceed the Max RPM constant. Constants can however be used as data to be passed to other chips for calculations, etc.

The player would also be able to take the components with them and use them with other machines, such as replacing the turret's gun with an audio alarm, or taking the motor and using it to repair a car.

This sandbox for technology would produce very emergent gameplay and ensure the overall game had plenty of replay value and individuality based on what technology the player combined.

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